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Apps I Found Useful in 2024

As the year draws to a close, I thought I would reflect on some of the apps I found really useful in 2024.

1. Things3

I have been using Things3 for around six years, and it has been working really well for keeping me focused. In particular, I love having the lock screen widget to pressure me into completing daily tasks.Website things3

2. HabitKit

This app is a app for building and tracking habits. I used to use streaks but I prefer the way Habitkit lays out the habbits. Website habbitkit

3. Fasty

A very simple app for tracking fasting. Fasting is something I have been doing more of this year, and I want to continue next year.Website

4. Anki

This app is a spaced repetition system (SRS) designed to help you learn and retain information, like new words. I use it for language learning, and the app is incredibly powerful. I like Duolingo for getting started, but when you’re ready to take your language learning further, the effort of using Anki is worth it. My advice for getting into this app is to fully commit and make sure to use it every day. Skipping days will make learning much harder and the app more frustrating to use. Website

5. Timelines

This app is simple time-tracking software that helps me focus my time on things that matter most to me.Website Being more conscious of how I am spending my time has been a big focus for me this year. timelines

Honorable mentions

  • Insight timer (meditation app)
  • Obsidian (general notes app)
  • Openfoodfacts (food tracking app)

I hope people find this app list useful. I would love to hear what apps you found useful this year.

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