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2025 Goals

I want to put these out in the open in order to give my self some accountability.

1. More Blog posts

I have started more this year (2024) however I want to continue this trend into 2025. The goal is 1 post a month.

2. More reading

Last year I read 7 books this year I want to try and read 12. In particular, I want to read more technical books such as clean code and the pragmatic programmer. As well as Crafting Interpreters and Rust by Example

3. More Open Source

This one is a little harder to define but I want to build a Github project which has at least 10 stars.

4. Make an iOS app

I have always had a desire to create an iPhone app, and recently I have started using SwiftUI and I have been very impressed with it. I think I want to create an RSS reader/read later app. The reason is I want to use less Youtube and I want to fill something which fills my time in a more useful way.

5. Run more in person events

I co-founded DXD London, where I’ve been involved in organizing several events. It’s been a fun and rewarding experience. We’ve also hosted speaking events, and this year our goal is to run two more.

Personal goals

  • Run a 5km by April
  • Travel more aim to travel aiming every three weeks.
  • Continue with learning a language and demonstrate

The theme of this year is growth.

I will try and update this blog middle of the way though the year to update my progress. For last year check out 2024 Review